Vermont Performance Lab Dance 3
Was it a wicker chair?
Give a tour of your childhood bedroom. Have a conversation with something you lost. Finish the tour by telling us what will be there in 100 years.
Casca-dance (from cascading)

Marlboro Summer Sale Portrait #23
The photo is by Edmund Brelsford of Eguacu Falls. My husband, a master craftsman, dry stonewaller, built beautiful cascading walls and steps over the years at the Brelsfords' home. Now, a year after Edmund's sudden death, his wife Veronica is selling the house, leaving the stone walls. It feels like a blessing that our daughter picked out this cascading waterfall photo for her little bedroom. Michael is ill and not able to build. Edmund is gone and not able to photograph. They have given each other a piece of themselves.
Photograph by Jess Weitz

Marlboro Summer Sale Portrait #42
Book: The pictures were made by Maurice Sendak. Title: "The Golden Key" by George MacDonald. Published 1967. It's a good size for holding, it's old, the illustrations sold it: an affinity for things Maurice Sendak.
Hat: Handknit, subtle pattern, potentially loose fitting, green, grey, yellow, white blend is pleasant. It's soft, not itchy. Someone made it with someone particular in mind. Being a new owner puts me in a position to continue the story. That's snuggly.
Photograph by Jess Weitz